MONTHLY EXAMINATION REPORT                                       February 5, 2011



Name                                       XXXXXX Sen

DOB                                        21/12/1990

Sex                                        F

Age                                        20

Height                                     5'9"

Weight                                     125

Wing                                       A

Room                                       52


Significance Level (001-100)                                                 95


=== SUBJECT NOTES                                                               


Last Updated                                                          5/02/2011


As of February 5, 2011, all unauthorized personnel are strictly
prohibited from editing this field.

Addendum: Introducing bias during testing as a result of personal
attachment to the subject will result in henceforth be punished by
termination of position or expiration depending on the severity of
the action.


=== PHYSICAL RESULTS                                                            


BMI                                          18.46

Eyes                                         Normal

Ears                                         Normal

Teeth                                        Normal

Genitals                                     Normal

Pain Tolerance (01-10)                       0.7


=== PHYSICAL RESULTS (SENTINEL)                                                


Reaction time (ms)                           1.5

Strength                                     N/A

True Sight                                   21%

X-555                                        Abnormal

Positivity (01-10)                           01

Sensitivity (01-10)                          09

Control (01-10)                              01


=== PHYSICAL NOTES                                                               


Last Updated                                                          5/02/2011


As of January 5, 2011, test subject XXXXXX still suffers from
neurological damage sustained from X-555 such as:
Seizure episodes; narcolepsy and cataplexy episodes;
tremors; dyspnea; twitching of the limbs;
brain fog; memory lapses; epistaxis; cluster headaches

If symptoms persist until 5/03/2011 the subject will be discarded.

The following occasional behaviors have been noted
and should be ignored in future examinations:
Twitching; vocal tics; biting; epiphora; vomiting; screaming;
harm to examiner; harm to self; misplaced laughter

Any self-harm attempts must be interrupted immediately.

Subject has been seen hugging XXXXX Georis even when
prohibited. If physical contact is repeated, termination of
both subjects will be imminent.
